Equipment running.COACH

Connect your COROS watch with running.COACH

Trainings that have been tracked with a COROS watch can be imported directly into running.COACH. We show you all the steps. Once you have established the connection, all your training sessions will be synchronised automatically.

And this is how it works:

1. Create an account via the COROS app. Make sure there is a connection between your COROS account and your watch.

2. Click on the upload button at the top right of running.COACH:

3. Click on the COROS logo and on “Connect”:

4. The following page will appear:

Coros connection 2

Log in to COROS with your username and password to confirm the connection.

5. Done! The connection has been successfully established!

6. The synchronised training sessions are marked visually and are available for detailed documentation. Your GPS track is displayed on the map.

7. Note: Warm-up and cool-down have to be marked by pushing the lap button on your watch. Exception: In competitions, we assume that you register warm-up and cool-down as separate training sessions. If you don’t, the whole session (including warm-up and cool-down) will be displayed as competition in running.COACH. Intervals should be stopped by pushing the lap button. We recommend that you switch off the « autolap » function.

This post is also available in DE, ES, FR and IT.

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