
viRACE – the app for virtual runs and events

Suddenly, things happened quickly. The plans for an app for virtual runs had been ready for a long time, but the time to implement them never seemed to come. Then came the pandemic and the circumstances changed fundamentally. What was intended by the running.COACH team as an offer for the running.COACH community to complete in races, has developed enormously in the last two years and has now advanced to the largest race organizer in Switzerland. We would like to take this moment to provide an overview.

What is viRACE?

viRACE offers the possibility to run virtual races and events. The term ‘virtual race’ is a little bit misleading, because of course you have to run a predefined distance in a virtual race. However, this distance is either location independent (you can run wherever you want) or time independent (a given distance can be completed at any time). With viRACE both possibilities are offered.

The special thing about viRACE is that during your participation you regularly receive intermediate results of your virtual run and your friends. In addition, comments, encouragement or other audio effects can be integrated into the virtual runs, so that the live feeling is optimally transmitted. All you need to participate is a smartphone or GPS watch.

What is special about viRACE?

viRACE offers some interesting features. Listed below is an overview of the most exciting features:

  • Live announcements with info about your intermediate results, those of your friends and other players.
  • Registration, timing and tracking directly in the app. In addition, there is the possibility to participate via GPS upload or by connecting directly to your Strava account.
  • Regular raffle of prizes with a chance to win for all participants.
  • By participating in various events, awards can be unlocked. You can find them in the app under “Settings” -> “Awards”.
    Migros50+ virace achievement
Example of the award for all participants who have completed 50 or more Run N’ Win events.

Example of the award for all participants who have completed 50 or more Run N’ Win events.

How do I participate in a viRACE event?

There are several ways to participate in a virtual run or challenge:

  • via App: When participating via the app, the full potential of viRACE, including audio entertainment and live updates, can be accessed.
    • 1. download the app (iOS / Android).
    • 2. make the app settings for your device (very important!) and check them in the app under “Settings” -> “Is my device ready?”
    • 3. click on the desired event in the feed and then on register. You can find out how the process works on race day here.
  • Participation via Strava connection
  • Transmission of the result via GPS upload

How can I use viRACE as a running.COACH user?

Of course, not all virtual races always fit into the training program. Nevertheless, viRACE events can be combined well with the training plan of running.COACH.

Especially the regularly offered shorter events (e.g. 5km) are suitable for a test run to update the running.COACH settings. The possibility to simulate a competition environment is very good for this.

In addition, the events do not always have to be fully run, of course. Virtual races can also be used as entertainment during an endurance run. Who knows, maybe you can even win a prize during your active recovery run.

Events and running calendar

The latest and current events can always be found on this page or accessed in the app. Regular events include the following:

  • Every Wednesday: Migros Run N’ Win – 5km, every week with raffle prizes.
  • Weekly: interval training presented by running.COACH
  • At irregular intervals: Virtual runs where you can win starting places for real events.

Conduct / organize your own virtual run

Of course it is possible to create your own virtual runs and events. viRACE offers countless possibilities to design virtual runs and events according to your own ideas. Audio entertainment and the communication before and after the event are only a fraction of the possibilities, which can be adapted to the respective challenge. viRACE also offers a specially developed tool for the implementation of charity events and sponsored runs. More information about the functions can be found here. If you have any questions about the organization of virtual runs and events, you can contact the following address:

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