Training with technology is great, a GPS watch used in collaboration with your running.COACH program provides an automatic running log, customization of your training schedule based on what you are actually doing, adjustment of your goals, and your Coach knows exactly what you are up to.
Add-in heart rate, altimeter, cadence sensor, and all the other wearable technologies available and you have quite the analysis of each workout. But let’s think about how much time we all spend waiting for our watch to lock-on to GPS signal. On average 30 seconds to two minutes is normal even for the best of watches, that’s about two to nine hours every year of just standing around! Even if you don’t wear a watch you’re likely even more infuriated waiting for your running partner to “lock on”.
Rather than assuming the posture of waiting for your watch (we’re all good at making sure others know were not just standing in the middle of the street for nothing) this is an opportunity for an extra 2-9 hours of training for the year. Some of you may already stretch during this time, static stretching a cold muscle has actually been shown to do more damage than good- so here is a better use of your time and will actually help prevent injuries:
The Dynamic GPS Warm-up
Complete five repetition per leg of each exercise below, the goal is to warm-up and activate the muscle, not to fatigue it.
Feet shoulder width apart, toes pointing forward, drop hips down to no lower than knee height, eyes should be looking up to assist with keeping a flat back, come back up straight pushing pelvis forward.
Take a large step forward, bring your foot as high as your knee, ensure alternating arm motion (just like when you run), step back also with your foot coming as high as the other knee. Note: if you have trouble stepping back you are like stepping too far out, shorten the length of the lunge. After forward lunges, do the same but stepping to the side.
Leg Extensions
Standing with a form of support (wall, car, pole, person, etc.) slowly extend a straight leg forward, out to the side, 45 degrees behind you, and straight back returning your leg to center between each one.
Add-in bonus: alternate your foot/ankle position pointing the toes in, out, up, and down during the extensions.
Leg Swings and Rotation
Not just for the elite track athlete! Still standing next to a form of support, swing one leg back-and-forth while turned 90 degrees to the fall, one hand supported against the wall and the other swinging with your leg. Next, while facing the wall with both hands against the support, swing one leg side-to-side in front of you. Finally, from same position do forward and backward knee circles similar to a hurdler.
Bonus Calf Hops
Still waiting? Hop up and down on light feet, move them out and to the side, toes alternate pointing in and out, dance like a boxer.
There, both you and your watch should be ready to go now. Be sure to link your watch account to RUNNING.COACH account.
This blog post was written by Calum Neff, canadian born running.COACH gold coach in the U.S., 2:22h marathoner and Guinness world record holder for the fastest half marathon pushing a stroller in 1:11:27. Are you interested in a personal running coach? Click here.