
Running Training: The Power of Recovery Runs

In the world of running, where we are constantly striving to increase our endurance, speed, and performance, it’s easy to lose sight of one crucial component: recovery. In this blog article, we dive into the importance and implementation of recovery runs and reveal why they are an essential part of an effective training plan for runners.

What happens in the body during/after a recovery run?

Regeneration runs are a form of low-intensity endurance running and are key to physical recovery. During and after a recovery run, important processes that actively boost recovery are activated in the body. Running quietly in the aerobic zone improves blood flow and promotes the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the muscles and the breakdown of lactate. These processes are critical to reducing muscle soreness and speeding recovery.

Why are recovery runs important for running training?

Recovery runs are the unsuspected heroes in the training schedule of running enthusiasts. They allow us to move the body without overtaxing it, while promoting physical recovery. This is crucial to avoid overtraining and improve performance in the long-term. In addition, recovery runs strengthen muscles and improve running economy, making it easier to prepare for more demanding training sessions.

How long and how intense should regeneration runs be?

The optimal intensity of recovery runs is usually 60-70% of your maximum heart rate, or a pace at which you can talk effortlessly. The duration can vary from 20 to 45 (to a maximum of 60) minutes. What’s important is to pay attention to your body’s signals and make sure you feel comfortable throughout the run.

4 quick tips on recovery runs

  1. Regularity is the key: schedule recovery runs regularly into your training schedule, especially after intense training sessions or races.
  2. Physical well-being: Listen to your body. If you feel exhausted, give yourself an extra recovery run instead of an endurance run.
  3. Patient and leisurely: Remember that recovery runs should be completed at a relaxed pace. The goal is recovery, not speed.
  4. Mental regeneration: use this time to mentally switch off and relax. Enjoy nature or listen to your favorite music to relieve stress.

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