
Running: How to avoid Blisters on your Feet

Blisters on the feet can significantly impact the enjoyment and continuity of your running training. In this article, we describe what blisters are, why they occur during running and, most importantly, how to effectively avoid them.

What are blisters about?

Blisters on the feet are painful, fluid-filled areas of skin that often form on the soles, heels, or sides of the toes. These blisters can be small or extend over larger areas. They form when the outer layer of skin is damaged by friction or pressure leading to the accumulation of fluid underneath. Blisters are not only uncomfortable, but can also lead to infection if not treated properly.

Why do blisters appear on the feet when running?

The appearance of blisters while running can be attributed to several factors:

  1. Friction: the most common cause of blisters while running is friction between the skin and the socks or shoes. This occurs especially when shoes do not fit properly or when socks are wet.
  2. Humidity: Damp feet are more prone to blistering. Sweat or wet conditions while walking can cause the skin to soften and become more susceptible to friction.
  3. Wrong shoe choice: Shoes that do not fit the shape of the foot or running style can promote blisters. A shoe that is too tight can cause pressure points, while a shoe that is too wide can increase friction.
  4. Running style: improper running technique can also lead to blisters. Uneven tread or excessive movement of the feet in the shoes can irritate the skin.

Tips to avoid blisters

There are a few measures you can take to avoid blisters while running:

  • Matching shoes: Invest in running shoes that perfectly fit the shape of your feet and your running style. Get advice at a specialized store and test different models.
  • Moisture control: Wear moisture-wicking socks and make sure your feet stay dry while running. Change socks during long runs if necessary.
  • Skin Care: Keep feet clean and dry. Use special anti-blister products or powders to reduce friction.
  • Running technique: Pay attention to your running technique and try to minimize uneven movements. An efficient running style can reduce stress on the feet.
  • Preventive patches: Use blister patches or pads on particularly sensitive areas to prevent friction.
  • Alternate shoes: Don’t run exclusively in one pair of shoes. Alternating shoes can help prevent your feet from being exposed to the same pressure points all the time.

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