
Meet our Gold Coach Ole Srocke

This Interview is with our Gold-Coach Ole Srocke, runner and triathlete. Read about his running background and get his advise.


Tell us your personal running story.


I was 19 years old when one day, as I was doing an easy jog in Lüttich, I incidentally met Alemitu Bekele, who was a Belgian marathon champion at that time. So we ran a view kilometers together. When I arrived at home, completely exhausted but happy, I entered for the Hamburg marathon 2010. Alemitu had said to me: «This will not be your last marathon…» ! How right she was. After Hambur 2010, 11 marathons, numerous fun runs over 5, 10 or 21,1km and a few triathlons followed.

What has been your favourite running experience so far?

Sun, 4th place and a lot of fun at the Freiburg marathon 2014 in the home of my choice.


What is your next goal? How do you prepare for that? 

The Freiburg marathon 2017 and the Challenge Roth 2017 (long distance triathlon). Preparation for that? The best way ist to just enjoy training and to look forward to it!!! Hence, in winter: a lot of base training in the water and long runs, as well as a few tours on the mountain bike in order not to lose the feeling for cycling. As from January/February, the real marathon preparations start, thus: running, running, running. As from April then, more cycling is on the plan. I do tours in Black Forest, in the Vosges mountains and in the Rhine plain, as well as superb runs and a couple of short distance triathlon competitions.

What is your favourite type of training?

I actually like all kinds of running. I love long runs because you can do them easily without pushing too hard. My favourite session on track is 20x400m with 200m easy jogging.

Which is your personal piece of training advice that you can share with us? 

This sure is no secret but in order for training to work you need to really be into it! Look forward to your training, enjoy training WHILE training, and be happy about having trained AFTER training. And in those cases where I am not keen on training, I simply look forward to AFTER training!

Do you have any ritual which you do before a competition? 


Every competition is different, which is why I always listen to my head and body before a competition and try to figure out what I need that specific day. And then I do it.

Which is your personal piece of competition advice that you can share with us?  

Don’t make yourself go crazy. Any doubts about your shape or training before competitions? All in your head. Three days before the competition your foot starts hurting? Just in your head. Stay calm. And go out and show what you can in the competition!

Do you mind your nutrition?


Yes. During base training low carb works very well form me (carbohydrates only via fruit and vegetables). Favourite meal: Fresh fruit with linseed, grated vanilla and a bit of stevia.

What is your favourite running brand? 

ON Running.

What was a special moment for you as a running coach/ Gold coach? 

When the first runner I ever coached beat his marathon target time by 20 minutes.

Why should a customer book you as a Gold coach?

Simply because I enjoy training and supporting you to reach your goals. Book here Ole as your Gold coach.


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