
How to enter training breaks and interruptions in running.COACH

Training does not always go as planned. Illnesses or injuries, for example, can result in a break from training for a certain period of time. After such an enforced break, it is important to be able to get back into the training plan properly in order to avoid injuries and to be able to progress. In this article we will show you how to adapt your running.COACH after a training break in order to return to the pre-interruption performance level as soon as possible.

After how many days of a break should the plan be modified?

Short training breaks do not require an adjustment of the plan. If only a few training sessions are missed, this can of course be recorded, but training can continue as usual. Only after missing four or more sessions we recommend slightly reducing the training load when you return running.

How can I adjust the plan in running.COACH?

Of course, running.COACH allows you to decide when an adjustment is necessary and when not. It is important to mark all missed training sessions as such.

To do this, click on the training session concerned and then on ‘Cancel’. You will now have the opportunity to enter the reason for the missed training session.

Make the adjustment (for all missed sessions) on the day you can resume training. After 4 missed sessions, you will be prompted to follow a rehabilitation plan.

Note: the running.COACH re-entry plan is suitable for short to medium-length breaks. After very long illnesses/injuries, the reintegration should be done in consultation with a medical professional.

Enter holidays

In running.COACH there is also the possibility to enter upcoming holidays in the training plan settings (MY ACCOUNT → PARAMETERS).

This function tells the plan that no training should be scheduled for the specified time period. The plan assumes that training will take place, but that this will be done without any specifications. For this reason, no return plan is generated after entering a holiday absence.

In case the holiday stay lasts longer than 10 days and no sports activities are carried out, the training sessions must be marked as not carried out by means of the “Cancel” button, in the same way as interruptions due to injury/illness.

This post is also available in DE, ES, FR and IT.

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