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6 Tips for (Running) Training on Holiday

Summer and warm weather have finally arrived, bringing with them the long-awaited period of well-deserved holiday! Many people may be wondering: how can I keep up my running workouts during the holidays and preserve the hard-won fitness of the previous months? We have compiled six tips for continuing to train during the summer holidays.

1. Plan your training in advance

The first tip is to plan your training sessions in advance to maximize efficiency. Plan your runs consistently, taking into account the time available, location, terrain and temperature. Having a written and visible training plan will help you maintain your routine and motivate you to run even during this period of relax.

If you have a race scheduled, it can be helpful to coincide your holiday week with your tapering week, as it will allow you to take your mind off the pre-race stress and relax. By scheduling long runs in the days immediately before and after your return, a 1-2 week holiday period will allow you to focus on completing the shorter sessions.

2. Take advantage of the cooler hours of the day

The ideal time to run during the summer holidays, and in general, is the morning! By using the early morning hours for running, you will avoid extreme temperatures and crowds of tourists. In addition, you will probably have more time and more flexibility during the holidays. Once you have done your workout in the morning, you can enjoy a well-earned rest or devote yourself to the activities you have planned for the trip, without keeping your family or friends waiting all day.

Running in the morning: benefits and motivational tips

3. Adapt your training

Don’t forget that plans can always change during the holidays. Although runners tend to have well-established routines, it is essential to be flexible and open to changes in your plan, given time constraints, different conditions and other scheduled activities. Here are some useful tips to adapt your training:

  • Concentrate on key sessions: if you want to reduce the amount of training on holiday, you should focus on key sessions (intervals, tempo runs and long jogs). When you return, you may feel your muscles a little less reactive, but you will not suffer a major drop in fitness. The effect of detraining only becomes evident after about two weeks of rest (click here for more information).
  • Set priorities and be realistic: it is right to focus on maintaining fitness during the holidays or even to take a short break from training. Determine in advance how much of your original training you intend to do, so that you will not feel guilty or frustrated when you reduce your training.
  • Train according to intensity: try not to focus too much on your GPS watch and pace. Run according to your effort level and ability, bearing in mind that high temperatures naturally slow down the pace. And don’t forget that training should be fun, you are still on holiday!

4. Explore routes and landscapes

Travelling is a fantastic opportunity to discover new places and fascinating routes, different from those you usually encounter during your regular training sessions. Take the opportunity to admire the sights and surroundings, ask locals for recommendations or use dedicated apps and websites to find the best routes for your run. You can also combine running with sightseeing or try to vary your training by including trail running sessions.

5. Practice alternative sports

Holidays are mainly about relaxing, including from the strain of training and sporting goals. Alternative sports such as swimming, cycling or hiking are therefore great ways to add some variety to your daily training routine. They allow you to exercise different muscles and discover places you would not have reached by running alone. The most important thing is to stay active.

6. Maintain proper nutrition

We are aware that this is easier said than done. During the holidays, culinary temptations are everywhere and it is easy to indulge in excesses. However, nutrition remains one of the fundamental pillars of successful sports performance. Don’t forget that you are on holiday, so don’t be too hard on yourself and allow yourself a few treats! However, try to find a balance in your meals: make sure you include fruit, vegetables, protein, complex carbohydrates, pasta and rice. Avoid junk food and try to vary your diet as much as possible. Of course, remember to keep yourself properly hydrated, especially during the summer when temperatures are very high.


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