
Making training progress while running – here’s how!

For most of us who love running, our ambitions go beyond the pure joy of running. We strive for goals like increased endurance, improved speed or an overall better well-being. At running.COACH we are therefore interested in the exciting question of how exactly we can achieve these goals and which training methods and influencing factors are decisive.

What are the possible goals/progress that can be achieved?

Before we get into the details, let’s talk about what goals and progress can be achieved in running. We have listed the most common training goals of beginners and experienced runners:

  1. Increasing endurance: being able to run longer distances without getting out of breath.
  2. Improving speed: the most easily measurable progress in running – improvements in running time over a specific distance.
  3. Improving general well-being: getting fitter to feel more comfortable in your body.

Of course, the three listed training goals often go hand in hand. This means that when one goal is achieved, there is often progress on both of the other goals as well. However, it can be helpful in training to focus on one of the areas to accelerate progress in that specific zone.

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What types of training are important for achieving the different goals?


Long runs are the key to increasing endurance. By running continuously for longer distances, the body becomes accustomed to prolonged exertion and improves its ability to transport oxygen efficiently and reduce muscle fatigue. At the same time, long runs promote the burning of fat as an energy source, which slows the depletion of carbohydrate reserves and increases endurance over long distances.


These lay the foundation for endurance capacity. Among other things, they provide improved fat metabolism, denser capillarisation of muscles, basic strengthening of muscles and economisation of running style.


Intensive runs such as tempo runs and intervals are key components to significantly increase running speed. These forms of training specifically prepare the body for higher speeds and more intense loads, which leads to several positive effects. They improve running technique, strengthen the muscles, especially the legs, and increase the ability to maintain higher speeds. They also increase anaerobic endurance, improve lactate tolerance and promote mental strength, which helps to be more confident and focused during competitions or fast training sessions.

Overall, long runs, endurance runs and intense workouts are crucial elements to increase endurance capacity in running. The combination of these forms the holistic training strategy to increase endurance in different ways and optimise running performance. A training plan like running.COACH can help you to optimally balance the different forms of training.

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What other factors are involved in achieving your running goals?

Besides the actual training and a good balance between the different forms of training, other factors play a decisive role in achieving the desired results:

  • Continuity in training: Continuous training is crucial. This means that you need to maintain your training over a longer period of time. Create the conditions that allow you to train over a prolonged time period: Realistic training programme, training partners to keep up motivation, fixed points in the training week, …
  • Regeneration: Recovery is crucial. Give your body enough rest to recover from the stress of training. Active recovery measures such as stretching and light training can also be helpful.
  • Sleep: Sleep is the key to recovery and increased performance. Make sure you get enough quality sleep to promote muscle recovery and mental freshness.
  • Nutrition: Ensure not only a balanced diet that covers your energy needs, but also the right amount of macro and micronutrients to support performance.


In summary, running goals such as increasing endurance, improving running pace and general well-being can be achieved through targeted forms of training. These include long runs to increase endurance, endurance runs for basic strengthening and intensive runs to increase speed. In addition to training, other factors play a crucial role, including continuity in training, regeneration, sufficient sleep and a balanced diet. A holistic approach that takes all these aspects into account is crucial for training success and long-term enjoyment of running. An individually adapted training plan, such as the one created by running.COACH, can provide valuable support.

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